Applies ToWindows 10 Internet Explorer Windows 8.1 Windows 7

Support for Internet Explorer ended on June 15, 2022

Internet Explorer 11 has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge. We recommend you use Microsoft Edge  for a faster, more secure and more modern web browsing experience.

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For Windows 10

To make browsing simpler, Internet Explorer recommends websites you might like based on the sites you visit most.

Get browsing suggestions in the address bar

When you start typing in the address bar, Internet Explorer automatically recommends websites, search terms, apps, or weather and finance suggestions. These suggestions are based on your browsing history, keystrokes, and favorites so the browser can show you results that might be more relevant to you.


If you enter text in the address bar in Internet Explorer and it doesn't resolve as a valid web address, or the text begins with a question mark, "search," "find," or "go," Internet Explorer will redirect you to your default search provider to help you locate the site you're looking for.

To turn off AutoSearch

  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type Internet options, and then select it in the list of results.

  2. Select the Programs tab.

  3. Select Manage add-ons.

  4. Select Search Providers.

  5. In the pane on the right, select your search provider.

  6. Look for a check mark in Search in the address bar and the search box on the new tab page. If you see one, select it to clear the check box.

Get browsing suggestions

Internet Explorer gives you Search suggestions and Suggested Sites to let you know about search terms or websites that might be interesting to you.

Search suggestions

Search suggestions in the address bar in Internet Explorer for the desktop can help you refine your search by offering suggested search terms as you type.

To turn off search suggestions

  1. Open the desktop, and then select the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar.

  2. Select the arrow to the right of the address bar, and select Turn off search suggestions.

Suggested Sites in the desktop

Suggested Sites is an online service that Internet Explorer uses to recommend websites you might like based on the sites you visit most.

To turn on Suggested Sites

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the Favorites button .

  2. Select Turn on Suggested Sites (it's at the bottom of Favorites).

  3. In the Suggested Sites dialog box, select Yes.

Note: Suggested Sites doesn't work when you're using InPrivate Browsing.

For Windows 7

When you start typing in the address bar, Internet Explorer can automatically recommend websites and search terms based on the sites you visit most, your favorites, or popular search terms.

Search providers

Search providers are add-ons that power Internet Explorer's search suggestions and AutoSearch in the address bar. You can have multiple search providers installed, but only one default.

To install search provider add-ons

  1. Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Manage add-ons.

  2. In the Manage Add-ons dialog box, select Search Providers, and then select Find more search providers.

  3. Select the search provider you would like to add, and then install it by selecting Add to Internet Explorer.

To change your default search provider

  1. Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Manage add-ons.

  2. In the Manage Add-ons dialog box, select Search Providers.

  3. Select the search provider that you'd like to make your default, and then select Set as default.

To remove search providers

  1. Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Manage add-ons.

  2. In the Manage Add-ons dialog box, select Search Providers.

  3. Select the search provider that you'd like to remove, and then select Remove.

Search suggestions

Search suggestions in the address bar help you refine your searches by offering relevant search terms as you type. These suggestions come from your default search provider.

To turn on or off search suggestions, open Internet Explorer and begin entering a search term in the address bar. Then select Turn on suggestions (or Turn off suggestions) in the dropdown menu.


If you enter text in the address bar in Internet Explorer that isn't a valid URL, or if the text begins with the words "search," "find," "go," or a question mark, then Internet Explorer will redirect you to your default search provider to help you locate the site you're looking for.

To turn off AutoSearch

  1. Open Internet Explorer, select the Tools button , and then select Manage add-ons.

  2. On the Advanced tab, under Browsing, select the Do not search from the Address bar check box.

Suggested Sites

Suggested Sites is an online service that Internet Explorer uses to recommend websites you might like based on the sites you visit most.

To turn on Suggested Sites

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the Favorites button .

  2. Select Turn on Suggested Sites (it's at the bottom of the Favorites Center), and then select Yes.

  3. In the Suggested Sites dialog box, select Yes.

To use Suggested Sites

View sites that are recommended for you when you have Suggested Sites turned on.

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the Favorites button .

  2. Select See Suggested Sites.

To turn off Suggested Sites

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the Tools button .

  2. Point to File, and then clear the Suggested sites check mark.



Note: Suggested Sites doesn't work when you're using InPrivate Browsing.



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