How to use the Windows Camera app
Applies To
Windows 11 Windows 10If a Windows device has a built-in camera or a connected camera/webcam, the Windows Camera app can be used for the following tasks:
Take photos.
Take videos.
Scan codes, including QR Codes and barcodes.
Scan documents.
Scan whiteboards.
Select any of the following topics to show more information about using a camera or webcam with Windows Photo app:
To open the Windows Camera app, use one of the following two methods:
Use the Windows Camera app shortcut Open Camera app
To open the Windows Camera app, select the following Camera app shortcut: -
Search for the Windows Camera app
Right-click on Start and then select Search .
In the Type here to search text box, enter:
Under Best match, select the Camera app from the list of results.
If a Windows device has multiple cameras, the Windows Camera app can switch between the cameras:
Open the Camera app.
To switch between the cameras, select the Change camera icon at the top right of the Camera app.
To take a photo with the Windows Camera app and then view it:
Open the Camera app.
Make sure the Photo button is selected on the right-hand side of the Camera app. The button changes to Take photo.
Select the Take photo button a second time to take a photo.
The photo is displayed in the Camera roll as a thumbnail at the bottom right corner of the camera app. Select the thumbnail to view a larger size of the photo.
While viewing the photo:
Select the icons at the top of the Camera app for editing options, including:
Zoom - when selected, use the slider to zoom in and out of the photo.
Rotate - the photo is rotated 90° clockwise each time the Rotate icon is selected.
Crop - not available with photos.
Delete - deletes the photo.
Filters - switches between Photo, Document, and Whiteboard mode.
Select the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Camera app for additional options:
Copy - copies the photo to the clipboard.
Open Folder - opens the folder where the photo was saved to.
Export - opens the Print dialog box where the photo can be printed or saved as a PDF.
To open the photo in the Photos app, select the Photos app icon in the top left corner of the Camera app.
To record a video using the Windows Camera app and then view it:
Open the Camera app.
Make sure the Video button is selected on the right-hand side of the Camera app. The button changes to Take video.
Select the Take video button a second time to start the video recording.
The Video button changes to a red Stop button.
Select the Stop taking video button to stop the video recording.
The video is displayed as a thumbnail at the bottom right corner of the camera app. To view the video, Select the thumbnail.
While viewing the video:
To control video playback, use the Play controls at the bottom of the video.
To delete the video, Select the Delete icon at the top of the Camera app.
To open the folder where the video was saved to, select the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Camera app and then select Open Folder.
To open the video in the Photos app, select the Photos app icon in the top left corner of the Camera app.
The Windows Camera app can be used to scan codes such as QR codes or barcodes. To scan a code with the Windows Camera app:
Open the Camera app.
Make sure the Barcode button is selected on the right-hand side of the Camera app.
The camera activates. Place the code, such as the QR code or the barcode, in front of the camera so that it is in focus. The Camera app automatically scans the code.
Depending on the type of code, different actions might occur. For example:
For a QR code, the link for the website appears at the bottom of the Camera app. Select the link to go to the website.
For a barcode, the text of the barcode appears at the bottom of the Camera app. Select the text to copy it to the clipboard.
For supported cameras, the Windows Camera app can scan documents. To scan a document with the Windows Camera app:
Open the Camera app.
Make sure the Document button is selected on the right-hand side of the Camera app. The button changes to Take document.
Important: If the Document button isn't available, the camera doesn't support scanning documents.
The camera activates. Place the document in front of the camera so that it is in focus.
A blue box appears in the area that the Camera app detects that document is in. Make sure the document is within the blue box.
To scan the document, Select the Take document button.
The document is displayed in the Camera roll as a thumbnail at the bottom right corner of the Camera app. Select the thumbnail to view a larger size of the document.
While viewing the document:
Select the icons at the top of the Camera app for editing options, including:
Zoom - when selected, use the slider to zoom in and out of the document.
Rotate - the photo is rotated 90° clockwise each time the Rotate icon is selected
Crop - opens the cropping window where the scanned document can be cropped. Use the square to define the area to be cropped, and then select Done on the right-hand side of the Camera app to save.
To reset the cropping square and start over, select Reset on the right-hand side of the Camera app. -
Delete - deletes the scanned document.
Filters - switches between Photo, Document, and Whiteboard mode.
Select the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Camera app for additional options:
Copy - copies the scanned document to the clipboard.
Open Folder - opens the folder where the scanned document was saved to.
Export - opens the Print dialog box where the scanned document can be printed or saved as a PDF.
To open the scanned document in the Photos app, select the Photos app icon in the top left corner of the Camera app.
For supported cameras, the Windows Camera app can scan whiteboard. To scan a whiteboard with the Windows Camera app:
Open the Camera app.
Make sure the Whiteboard button is selected on the right-hand side of the Camera app. The button changes to Take whiteboard.
Important: If the Whiteboard button isn't available, the camera doesn't support scanning whiteboards.
The camera activates. Place the whiteboard in front of the camera so that it is in focus.
A blue box appears in the area that the Camera app detects that whiteboard is in. Make sure the whiteboard is within the blue box.
To scan the whiteboard, select the Take whiteboard button.
The whiteboard is displayed in the Camera roll as a thumbnail at the bottom right corner of the Camera app. Select the thumbnail to view a larger size of the whiteboard.
While viewing the whiteboard:
Select the icons at the top of the Camera app for editing options, including:
Zoom - when selected, use the slider to zoom in and out of the scanned whiteboard.
Rotate - the photo is rotated 90° clockwise each time the Rotate icon is selected
Crop - opens the cropping window where the scanned whiteboard can be cropped. Use the square to define the area to be cropped, and then select Done on the right-hand side of the Camera app to save.
To reset the cropping square and start over, select Reset on the right-hand side of the Camera app. -
Delete - deletes the scanned whiteboard.
Filters - switches between Photo, Document, and Whiteboard mode.
Select the ellipsis in the top right corner of the Camera app for additional options:
Copy - copies the scanned whiteboard to the clipboard.
Open Folder - opens the folder where the scanned whiteboard was saved to.
Export - opens the Print dialog box where the scanned whiteboard can be printed or saved as a PDF.
To open the scanned whiteboard in the Photos app, select the Photos app icon in the top left corner of the Camera app.
You can change options for the Camera app in Settings including camera settings, photo settings, and video settings. To change settings:
Open the Camera app.
Select the Settings icon in the top left corner of the Camera app.
In the Settings window, settings are divided into four categories:
Available Settings
Camera settings
Show advanced controls for photos and videos.
Show and select framing grids.
Control what happens when the camera button is held down.
Select to use the camera settings defined in the Camera app or use the camera settings defined in the system Settings app Camera settings.
Windows 11 only - Links to the Settings app for:
Photo settings
Set photo quality.
Set time lapse settings.
Video settings
Set video quality.
Set flicker reduction.
Related settings
Links to the Settings app to:
Allow Camera app to use location info.
Set privacy settings for the Camera app.
Select a setting category to expand it and see all settings for that category.
Change settings under the appropriate category as desired.
If the Windows device has a touchscreen, it might support zooming in or out when taking a photo or video.
Zoom in - Use two fingers to pinch.
Zoom out - Use two fingers to stretch.
If the Windows device supports it, the Camera app can include latitude and longitude info when a photo is taken. To include location info when a photo is taken:
Select Start and then select Settings > Privacy & security > Location.Open Privacy & security > Location
Or Select the following Privacy & Security > Location shortcut: -
In the Privacy & security > Location window:
Make sure Location servicesis switched On.
Important: Turning on Location services requires administrator access.
Make sure Let apps access your location is switched On.
In the list of apps under Let apps access your location, make sure Camera is switched On.
Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11.
Select Start and then select Settings > Privacy > Location.Open Location
Or Select the following Location shortcut: -
In the Location window:
Under Allow access to location on this device, select the Change button, and then make sure Location access for this deviceis switched On.
Important: Turning on Location services requires administrator access.
Make sure Allow apps to access your location is switched On.
Under Choose which apps can access your precise location, make sure Camera is switched On.