In most cases, Windows automatically discovers and installs both scanners connected locally and scanners located in the network. However, if a scanner isn't automatically discovered and installed, this article covers how to manually install the scanner. Once installed, the article then covers how to scan a picture or document.
In most cases, all that needs to be done to set up a scanner in Windows is to connect the scanner to the Windows device. Plug the USB cable from the scanner into an available USB port on the Windows device and then turn on the scanner. Windows proceeds to install the scanner. If Windows doesn't install a local scanner automatically, it can be installed manually instead:
Make sure the scanner is plugged into the Windows device via USB and that the scanner is turned on.
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners .Open Bluetooth & Devices > Printers & scanners
Or Use the following Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window, select the Add device button next to Add printer or scanner.
Windows searches for scanners connected locally to the Windows device. The search might take a few minutes.
Once the local scanners are located, they're displayed in a list in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window. From the list, select the Add device button next to the scanner that needs to be installed.
Windows installs the selected scanner. Once the install finishes, the scanner appears as a device in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window.
Tip: If a scanner is included as part of a multifunction or All-In-One printer, the scanner might appear as a printer. To confirm that Windows also detects the printer as a scanner, select the printer in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window. If the printer is also detected as a scanner, Scanner settings is listed as an option in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners > <Printer_Name> window that opens.
If a scanner is turned on and connected to the network, Windows should find and install it automatically. Available scanners can include scanners on a network, such as Bluetooth scanners, wireless scanners, or scanners that are plugged into another device and shared on the network. If Windows doesn't install a network scanner automatically, it can be installed manually instead:
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings >Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners .Open Bluetooth & Devices > Printers & scanners
Or Use the following Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window, select the Add device button next to Add printer or scanner.
Windows searches for scanners in the network. The search might take a few minutes.
Once the network scanners are located, they're displayed in a list in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window. From the list, select the Add device button next to the scanner that needs to be installed.
Windows installs the selected scanner. Once the install finishes, the scanner appears as a device in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window.
If the scanner that needs to be installed isn't discovered and displayed in the list, select the Add a new device manually link next to The printer that I want isn't listed. In the Add Printer window that opens, follow the instructions to add it manually.
If a scanner is included as part of a multifunction or All-In-One printer, the scanner might appear as a printer. To confirm that Windows also detects the printer as a scanner, select the printer in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window. If the printer is also detected as a scanner, Scanner settings is listed as an option in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners > <Printer_Name> window that opens.
If the scanner and Windows device are both connected to the network wirelessly, make sure that both are on the same wireless network/SSID.
For instructions on connecting a scanner with wireless capabilities to a wireless network, consult the instructions that came with the scanner or the manufacturer's website.
To verify that the scanner is installed, make sure that the scanner is turned on and then follow these steps:
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings >Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners .Open Bluetooth & Devices > Printers & scanners
Or Use the following Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window that opens, verify that the scanner is listed in the window.
Tip: If a scanner is included as part of a multifunction or All-In-One printer, the scanner might appear as a printer. To confirm that Windows also detects the printer as a scanner, select the printer in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners window. If the printer is also detected as a scanner, Scanner settings is listed as an option in the Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners > <Printer_Name> window that opens.
Once the scanner is installed, the Windows Scan app can be used to scan a picture or document. Here's how:
Make sure the scanner is turned on.
On the Windows device, right-click on the Start menu and then select Search .
In the Type here to search search box, enter:Windows Scan
In the search results under Apps, select Scan from the results.
Note: If the Scan app doesn't appear in the list of search results, it might not be installed. To install the Windows Scan app, install it from the Microsoft Store by selecting the following link:Windows Scan
Place the document or picture to scan in the scanner based on the scanner type:
If the scanner has a flatbed, place the document or picture to scan face down on the scanner's flatbed and close the cover.
If the scanner has a document feeder, place the document or picture to scan in the scanner's document feeder. Consult the scanner's documentation whether the item should be face down or face up.
Note: If a scanner has both a flatbed and a document feeder, either can be used.
In the Scan page of the Scan app, follow these steps:
In the Scanner drop-down menu, make sure the desired scanner is selected.
In the Source drop-down menu, make sure the desired source (Flatbed, Feeder, Auto-configured) is selected. In most cases, the default Auto-configured is fine. Otherwise, the Source should match where the document or picture was placed in the previous step.
In the File type drop-down menu, select the image file type to save the scan as. The available options are JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and Bitmap.
Select the Show more link to show the Save file to option. Select the link under Save file to. The Select Folder window opens. Browse to the location where scans should be saved, and then select the Select Folder button.
Note: If a save location isn't selected, the default location the Windows Scan app saves scans to is the Pictures/Scans folder in the user folder.
To scan the document or picture, select Scan at the bottom of the Scan app window.
After the scanner is finished scanning the document or picture, it automatically saves the scan into the previously selected folder. Select one of the following two options at the top of the screen to continue:
View - Opens the scanned item in the Photos app via a new window so that the scanned item can be viewed. The scanned item can also be edited in the Photos app. Once the scanned item is finished being viewed or edited, the Photos app window can be closed.
Close - Finishes the current scan job in preparation for additional scan jobs.
On the Windows device, right-click on the Start menu and then select File Explorer .
In the File Explorer window that opens, navigate to the location selected to save scans to in the Scan a picture or document with Windows Scan app section.
Tip: If a location wasn't selected in the Scan a picture or document with Windows Scan app section, the default location the Windows Scan app saves scans to is the Pictures/Scans folder in the user folder.
Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11.
In most cases, all that needs to be done to set up a scanner in Windows is to connect the scanner to the Windows device. Plug the USB cable from the scanner into an available USB port on the Windows device and then turn on the scanner. Windows proceeds to install the scanner. If Windows doesn't install a local scanner automatically, it can be installed manually instead:
Make sure the scanner is plugged into the Windows device via USB and that the scanner is turned on.
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners .Open Printers & scanners
Or Use the following Printers & scanners shortcut: -
Under the Add printers & scanners section in the Printers & scanners window, select Add a printer or scanner.
Windows searches for scanners connected locally to the Windows device. The search might take a few minutes.
Once the local scanners are located, they're displayed in a list under the Add printers & scanners section. From the list, select the scanner that needs to be installed and then select the Add device button.
Windows installs the selected scanner. Once the install finishes, the scanner appears under the Printers & scanners section.
Tip: If a scanner is included as part of a multifunction or All-In-One printer, the scanner might appear as a printer. To confirm that Windows also detects the printer as a scanner, under the Printers & scanners section, select the printer and then select the Manage button. In the Manage your device window that opens, select the drop-down menu. If the printer is also detected as a scanner, one of the items in the drop-down menu has the preface Scanner:.
If a scanner is turned on and connected to the network, Windows should find and install it automatically. Available scanners can include scanners on a network, such as Bluetooth scanners, wireless scanners, or scanners that are plugged into another device and shared on the network. If Windows doesn't install a network scanner automatically, it can be installed manually instead:
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners .Open Printers & scanners
Or Use the following Printers & scanners shortcut: -
Under the Add printers & scanners section in the Printers & scanners window, select Add a printer or scanner.
Windows searches for scanners in the network. The search might take a few minutes.
Once the network scanners are located, they're displayed in a list under the Add printers & scanners section. From the list, select the scanner that needs to be installed and then select the Add device button.
Windows installs the selected scanner. Once the install finishes, the scanner appears under the Printers & scanners section.
If the scanner that needs to be installed isn't discovered and displayed in the list, select The printer that I want isn't listed link. In the Add Printer window that opens, follow the instructions to add it manually.
If a scanner is included as part of a multifunction or All-In-One printer, the scanner might appear as a printer. To confirm that Windows also detects the printer as a scanner, under the Printers & scanners section, select the printer and then select the Manage button. In the Manage your device window that opens, select the drop-down menu. If the printer is also detected as a scanner, one of the items in the drop-down menu has the preface Scanner:.
If the scanner and Windows device are both connected to the network wirelessly, make sure that both are on the same wireless network/SSID.
For instructions on connecting a scanner with wireless capabilities to a wireless network, consult the instructions that came with the scanner or the manufacturer's website.
To verify that the scanner is installed, make sure that the scanner is turned on and then follow these steps:
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners .Open Printers & scanners
Or Use the following Printers & scanners shortcut: -
In the Printers & scanners window that opens, verify that the scanner is listed under the Printers & scanners section.
Tip: If a scanner is included as part of a multifunction or All-In-One printer, the scanner might appear as a printer. To confirm that Windows also detects the printer as a scanner, under the Printers & scanners section, select the printer and then select the Manage button. In the Manage your device window that opens, select the drop-down menu. If the printer is also detected as a scanner, one of the items in the drop-down menu has the preface Scanner:.
Once the scanner is installed, the Windows Scan app can be used to scan a picture or document. Here's how:
Make sure the scanner is turned on.
On the Windows device, right-click on the Start menu and then select Search .
In the Type here to search search box, enter:Windows Scan
In the search results under Apps, select Scan from the results.
Note: If the Scan app doesn't appear in the list of search results, it might not be installed. To install the Windows Scan app, install it from the Microsoft Store by selecting the following link:Windows Scan
Place the document or picture to scan in the scanner based on the scanner type:
If the scanner has a flatbed, place the document or picture to scan face down on the scanner's flatbed and close the cover.
If the scanner has a document feeder, place the document or picture to scan in the scanner's document feeder. Consult the scanner's documentation whether the item should be face down or face up.
Note: If a scanner has both a flatbed and a document feeder, either can be used.
In the Scan page of the Scan app, follow these steps:
In the Scanner drop-down menu, make sure the desired scanner is selected.
In the Source drop-down menu, make sure the desired source (Flatbed, Feeder, Auto-configured) is selected. In most cases, the default Auto-configured is fine. Otherwise, the Source should match where the document or picture was placed in the previous step.
In the File type drop-down menu, select the image file type to save the scan as. The available options are JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and Bitmap.
Select the Show more link to show the Save file to option. Select the link under Save file to. The Select Folder window opens. Browse to the location where scans should be saved, and then select the Select Folder button.
Note: If a save location isn't selected, the default location the Windows Scan app saves scans to is the Pictures/Scans folder in the user folder.
To scan the document or picture, select Scan at the bottom of the Scan app window.
After the scanner is finished scanning the document or picture, it automatically saves the scan into the previously selected folder. Select one of the following two options at the top of the screen to continue:
View - Opens the scanned item in the Photos app via a new window so that the scanned item can be viewed. The scanned item can also be edited in the Photos app. Once the scanned item is finished being viewed or edited, the Photos app window can be closed.
Close - Finishes the current scan job in preparation for additional scan jobs.
On the Windows device, right-click on the Start menu and then select File Explorer .
In the File Explorer window that opens, navigate to the location selected to save scans to in the Scan a picture or document with Windows Scan app section.
Tip: If a save location wasn't selected in the Scan a picture or document with Windows Scan app section, the default location the Windows Scan app saves scans to is the Pictures/Scans folder in the user folder.
For additional information including additional troubleshooting information, go to the scanner manufacture's website.